Profane Realm Usbs explore alternative forms of distribution and cultural exchange. They are co-curated with collaborators in Mexico City, MX and NYC and distributed physically at events.
Fall 2023, we launched our first Usb, Profane Realm 00, featuring lectures, interviews, and poetry from Uncensored New York, along with DJ mixes from Elrecreo.fm (Cdmx). and artists such as Ihopeyouh8this and Daynuuhhh. The first 20 Usbs were dropped at LUSTHILL, during a midtown Manhattan tunnel rave. Other drop locations include the Giorno Foundation (Nyc), Printed Matter (Nyc), and Lagunilla Market (Tepito, Cdmx). Usb 00 contents shown below.
The Usb exchange is inspired by alternative distribution methods that counter censorship and assimilation across the Americas. It promotes a free exchange that emphasizes real-life relationships and bypasses the filters imposed by our current media infrastructure. For example, consider researching ‘El Paquete Semanal’ in Cuba.

Cavity Entertainment, distributing USBs at a film event in NYC, “Don’t Miss the Trailers,” October 2023.